FTP (short for File Transfer Protocol), is the most popular means for sending website content to a hosting account. Using an FTP client application that is pre-installed on your desktop or laptop computer, you can establish a connection to your website hosting server and copy all the web files that you want with several clicks of the mouse. This is done via a simple-to-use GUI and it is as easy as dragging & dropping the abovementioned files. The advantage of using File Transfer Protocol is the fact that you’re able to create separate accounts, each with a different level of access to your server space, so if you’d like to provide a 3rd party with access, for example – a web designer, they’ll be able to access only a specific folder and won’t be able to view the remaining content or any other information, such as personal details. Three things are needed in order to be able to establish an FTP connection – a hostname, which is normally an IP address or a domain name, a user name and a password.

FTP Accounts in Cloud Website Hosting

Each of the cloud website hosting packages offered by our company will permit you to create unlimited FTP accounts, so you’ll be able to administer the content of your websites independently or to grant other persons access to any website in your website hosting account. In case you’ve got a web design software program installed on your PC, you’ll be able to run numerous Internet sites simultaneously and to keep them up to date with ease. If you give the login details to another individual to carry out a certain task, you will be able to modify the password for that FTP account or to delete it entirely with only a few mouse clicks and prevent any risk of unsolicited access to your content in the future. For your convenience, all FTP accounts that you set up will be listed alphabetically in the corresponding section of your Hepsia Control Panel.